Welcome to my Xtreme Coin Review!
Whether this is your first time checking out an MLM company, or the tenth business you’ve considered joining this year, reading reviews is a great way to learn more about a company.
Jumping into a new company based on hype and not on solid research is never a good idea, so it’s great that you are here!
This review will give you all the information you need on the company, the products, and the compensation plan.
So let’s get right to it!
What Is Xtreme Coin?
Like many other cryptocurrency sites, Xtreme Coin does not share any information about their owner or management team. However, while investigating more, I found that it was owned by Igreso Cybernetico. Igreso Cybernetico is owned by Dwayne Golden who is also their CEO.
The website was registered in May 2017 and set to expire in May 2018. I am not fond of the sites that are just registered for a year.
Checking their web traffic, I found that over half of their web traffic is generated by the USA. Apart from them, other notable countries are Nigeria, Canada, and Belize.
That is all about the company. Now let’s check about their products.
The Products Offered By Xtreme Coin
Xtreme Coin provides very intuitive training on BitCoin and cryptocurrency. This enables the user to understand what cryptocurrency and BitCoin is plus how to profit from it.
The Xtreme Coin Compensation Plan
To join Xtreme Coin compensation pan affiliates must purchase positions in an eight-tier 2×2 matrix bitcoin cycler.
You will receive payout once all six positions are filled up, you cycle out and generate a commission.
The amount of commission you earn will depend on the position you have purchased.
Details are listed below:
- Sapphire – Invest 0.05 BTC and receive 0.15 BTC
- Pearl – Invest 0.1 BTC and receive 0.3 BTC
- Ruby – Invest 0.25 BTC and receive 0.75 BTC
- Emerald – Invest 0.5 BTC and receive 1.5 BTC
- Diamond – Invest 1 BTC and receive 3 BTC
- Blue Diamond – Invest 4 BTC and receive 12 BTC
- Xtreme Diamond – Invest 10 BTC and receive 30 BTC
For 0.15 BTC a year, you can upgrade your membership to “Exclusive Club”.
Every time someone in your downline upgrades to the “Exclusive Club” membership, you can earn a 0.05 BTC commission.
My Final Verdict On Xtreme Coin
The price of BitCoin skyrocketed from mid-2017, because of this, we see a lot of interest in it. To capitalize on peoples interest I see many scam sites popping up. These sites often registered for a year and shy away from providing any information about their owners. Unfortunately, Xtreme Coin also falls in the same category.
Unavailability of a detailed about us section is a big concern for me. Any company that hides its details from the public is suspicious.
Also, they get their revenue from withdrawal commission and training fees as per the information available on the site. Without any other transparent earning source, it is not possible to sustainably pay out ROI to investors for long. This means the company can and will go bust when new membership rate slows down. As a potential investor, this is a big Red Flag for me.
Finally, I must say that the negative points outweigh the good points. This makes me reconsider investing in them. However, the decision is yours to make.
I hope you enjoyed my Xtreme Coin review and learned valuable insights about the company and their investment policy.
My Personal Recommendation:
Now if you’re looking to earn a substantial income from home I strongly recommend establishing “multiple” streams of income. The following the link that I’ve posted here below reveals a proven system in which you’ll have someone who is already making six figures a year, guide you to six figures within the next 6 months by the hand… How cool is that, aye 😉
In fact, check out what some of the others saying:
Ryan F.
Vincent O.
Now it’s your turn!
Press play watch the video below and get started now.
>> Click Here To Watch The Video Now <<
Again, I hope you enjoyed this review and I’ll see you all at the top!
God bless,
Nathaniel Laurent
PS. All questions are welcomed, feel free to leave it in the comment area below… again God bless!

Welcome! My name is Belli, co-author & contributor to NathanielLaurent.com! I’d like to thank you for stopping by 🙂 Be sure to take advantage of the free training available here …inside you’ll learn how to earn a steady income online with affiliate marketing. Enjoy and God bless!
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