WOR(l)D Global Network and World Media & Technology are MLM companies that has been getting a lot of attention lately, so I’ve decided to do some research to find out what they are all about.
I am sure like myself, many of you would also like to learn more about this company. Even more so if you are planning to invest in them or buy their products, there is nothing better than to know all you can about the company beforehand.
To help you guys, I have spent some time, done some research and prepared this World Media & Technology and their mother company WOR(l)D Global Network Review. I have divided this into company profile, products, compensation plan and finally my verdict.
Let’s check out my detailed review by scrolling below.
What Is World Media & Technology and WOR(l)D Global Network?
World Media & Technology Corporation was founded in 2011 as the subsidiary of WOR(l)D Global Network. They list Fabio Galdi as their CEO. He is also the owner of WOR(l)D Global Network.
World Media & Technology Corporation is responsible for technical innovation and launching cutting edge devices. However, right now they have only one device called Helo.
World Media & Technology Corporation and WOR(l)D Global Network both companies are based in Miami, USA and listed in the stock market as World Media & Technology Corp (WRMT).
Though the company is old, their website is relatively new. It was launched in 2014.
This was a brief overview of the company. Now let’s have a look at their products.
Products Offered By World Media & Technology and WOR(l)D Global Network
World Media & Technology mainly develop and market wearable and portable healthcare products. Some of their products are
- HELO (non-invasive, continuous, blood glucose estimation wristband)
- LUMINA Glasses (binocular media glasses)
- SPACE Works (cloud-based communication platform)
- SPACE VoIP (unlimited online call service)
- SPACE Wireless (we are more or less talking about a cell phone here. Texting, 4G LTE data etc.)
- SPACE Postcard (create your own video Postcards)
- SPACE Meet (conduct online conferences or webinars from any device)
The World Media & Technology and WOR(l)D Global Network Compensation Plan
To take part in the compensation plan you must buy any of the followings on boarding packs-
- Partner Pack- $139 Smart Pack+Space Works Pack+1 Affiliate kit
- Master Pack- $639 Six Smart Packs +Space Works Master Pack+1 Affiliate Kit
- Power Pack- $1889 Six Smart Packs+ Space Works Master Pack+1 Power Unit+ 1 Affiliate Kit
After becoming a member, if you manage to sell their membership you will receive recruitment bonuses:
- Sell Partner Pack earn $10
- Sell Master Pack earn $120
- Sell Power Pack earn $240
Apart from these you should also consider that this is a stock market listed company. As per their product strategy and their future plan, they want to take a 20%-30% market share of the wearable healthcare and health monitoring systems. If they manage to do it, it would mean a considerable growth in their stock prices. So, if you want, you can also buy some of their stock and earn dividends.
Final Thoughts On World Media & Technology and WOR(l)D Global Network
World Media & Technology is a technology company but their path to success is questionable. They have some innovative concepts but without a solid product line, a tech company’s success is unlikely.
Though they are a stock exchange listed company, their financial results and reports are not regularly published. Financial mismanagement can be a reason for this. I have also checked the pricing status of their stocks and their price is on the decline at this moment. Looking at their MLM offers it seems that they are trying to gather money from the members to fund their business.
I do not recommend becoming a member, however, the choice is yours to make.
I hope you liked my World Media & Technology and WOR(l)D Global Network Review and learnt a lot about the company and their business model.
My Personal Recommendation:
Now if you’re looking to earn a substantial income from home I strongly recommend establishing “multiple” streams of income. The following the link that I’ve posted here below reveals a proven system in which you’ll have someone who is already making six figures a year, guide you to six figures within the next 6 months by the hand… How cool is that, aye 😉
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Ryan F.
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Again, I hope you enjoyed this World Media & Technology and WOR(l)D Global Network review and I’ll see you all at the top!
God bless,
Nathaniel Laurent
PS. All questions are welcomed, feel free to leave it in the comment area below… again God bless!

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Wow this needs to be updated.
I bought WRMT stock at around $4 a share. It’s now over $12
They have sold over 300,000 wearable devices in the last 6 months.
Growing and realizing their dream for sure.
Join now while it’s still in the early stages.
I just joined and it’s amazing.
Hi Ted, thanks for the input 😉 Glad that you are happy. However, don’t let being happy with a product get in the way of you making more money (establishing multiple streams of income). While it’s nice that a company sells thousands of products remember it would be better if “YOU” my friend where selling those products 🙂 and that’s where my recommendation comes in… Why? Because you’ll be able to learn the online marketing skills needed to get thousands of sign up’s via online and put more money in “your” pockets instead. That’s what will change the financial future for you and your children. Wishing you much continued success and thanks for sharing… God bless! 🙂
What I can’t figure out about the Helo device, is how it gives me 2 hourly readings even when I’m not even wearing it!!!
It even gives me a sleep report when I’ve left it overnight in another room.
Magic or what ????
How can a person monitor someone overseas, if it gives readings and the person may not even be wearing it??
The sensors are so sensitive it tries to read even when not on your wrist. They did figure out an algorithm to stop this from happening, but then it wasn’t sensitive enough to give reading on darker skin. Hope that answers your question.
Hello Mr. Nathaniel!
I’m from Slovenia (EU). Do you want to see the disgusting truth about the company WGN?
Hi Igor, feel free to share what you have found… God bless! 🙂
Hey Igor… whats the “disgusting” truth??
Yes, would like to know.
Just had friends interested in WGN and trying to hook me up, but honestly I think, like many others may think, lots of money so fast is just simple scam, and who would want to buy a family pack for that kind of money, target costumers is aiming to wealthy middle class and up, and finally why would I want everybody to know the exact location i am at all times. Terrorific, 24 for 7 citizen monitoring at its maximum stage, you thought they knew everything about u already until u bought WGN device and gave them not only the place You are taking a leak but your heart rate while doing it in real time.
Epp you are a funny guy! Just like everything else… not everything is for you… you probably wouldn’t like my BMW convertible either and neither would you like my vacation in Bali… so just because you don’t like it and people are making money, you believe it’s a scam… HOW RIDICULOUS IS THAT? Why don’t you do yourself a huge favor and read the Secretes of a Millionaire Mind!
Scam for sure.
We ordered the product last February. The products were not delivered or the quality was poor. We asked for replace the bad quality cell phone, but the customer did not reply. The company agreed to refund for the so call “Space”, but we did not receive the refund after requesting for more than one year. Don’t put your money in.
This comment makes no sense first you say you never got your product and then the quality was poor. Which one was it.
This really needs updating. We are in our 3 generation HELO XL and about to launch or 4th Gen HELO pro. We also just launched an innovative device called EXTENSE which accurately monitors your blood glucose without having to use blood. No more pricking your finger! We also have new DNA technology that helps create a high grade supplement just for you and what your body needs. The company is actually doing quite well. I suggest you do a little more homework. There is still a few things that we’re working on but things are coming toget her very well. And for a company that works in 195 countries is only been in the US for a little under 2 years. The potentials are outstanding. What WGN isn’t is a get rich quick scheme. You have to work hard, it’s a business, and you get out of it according to the effort you put into it.
Hi Patty! Thank you for the input 😉 I hopefully may be updating this post soon. God bless!