I recently found out about this new company called Zivizi from one of my social media friends and decided to do some digging to find out more about this company.
I am sure like myself, you would also like to learn more about this new company on the MLM scene. Even more so, when they are a new company that wants to give you lots of ROI.
I have done some research and prepared this Zivizi Review to help you guys out. I have divided the information into company profile, products, compensation plan and finally my thoughts.
Let’s dig in!
What is Zivizi?
The CEO of Zivizi is Steve Francisco and unlike most new MLM companies, they have listed their full management team on their site.
This is certainly a very positive sign!
Their CEO is very experienced and was involved in many MLM companies before starting Zivizi. The rest of the team members are also experienced in their field and some of them have previous work experiences in different MLM companies.
Zivizi is owned and operated by MIYU Holdings. Ike Hong is the owner of the company.
Their web domain was registered in October 2016 and set to expire in October 2018.
As expected for a US based company, they have focused their marketing on and around the USA. The web traffic stats show that USA visitors are responsible for more than 85% of its entire web traffic.
Overall I see only positive signs about the company. Now let’s check out their products.
Products Zivizi Offers
Zivizi sells various health, skin, and nutrition products on their website. However, you cannot buy any products without the reference of an affiliate member.
All their products are manufactured by MIYU Health, a subsidiary of MIYU Holdings.
The Zivizi Compensation Plan
To join Zivizi you need to pay $50 first and an additional $40 every month.
They can also buy the packages below if they choose.
- Partner Pack for $600
- Director Pack for $1200
- Executive Pack for $3000
These packages contain various Zivizi products which members can sell.
To qualify for the Zivizi compensation plan you have to generate 80 PV (personal volume) per month. This can be generated by purchasing products for yourself or by purchases made by your sponsored members.
You will receive 20 of the sales commission when retail customers buy products with your affiliation code. If they are your sponsored affiliate members, then you will receive a bonus 5% discount on all your monthly auto-ship orders.
There are no direct affiliate sponsorship commissions for the affiliate members. However, they can earn 5% discount on all their orders if they have personally recruited 5 members.
For recruiting 10 members, you will receive up to 10% discount on your orders.
They also offer binary compensation plan for building your own affiliate team. This is paid on the monthly sales amount of your lesser leg. You can earn 10% of your lesser legs sales volume up to $120,000.
As you achieve affiliate ranks of Diamond, 1 Star, 2 Stars and 3 Stars for the consecutive months, you become a member of the Diamond Club and become eligible to receive a one-time Diamond Club Bonus. However, the entry criteria of these ranks are not clearly mentioned on the site.
You can also earn luxury automobiles and holiday trips if you qualify for them.
Final Thoughts About Zivizi
Zivizi has actual retail products, unlike many similar companies. They also have an experienced leader and an army of capable support team members. Most importantly they have the backing of a strong holdings company which erases any doubt about their legitimacy.
Now the success really depends on the product. If you test the product and find them to be working, then you can confidently market it to new customers. If it does not work, then you can only move a number of products. However, if you do manage to move a substantial number of products then Zivizi has a good compensation plan to back you up.
It is your confidence level and your marketing skills that will help you to reach your goal with Zivizi. If you fail to market and generate sales this may not be the right opportunity for you.
I hope you enjoyed my review and learnt valuable insights about the company.
My Recommendation:
Now if you’re looking to earn a substantial income from home I strongly recommend establishing “multiple” streams of income. The following the link that I’ve posted here below reveals a proven system in which you’ll have someone who is already making six figures a year, guide you to six figures within the next 6 months by the hand… How cool is that, aye 😉
In fact, check out what some of the others saying:
Ryan F.
Vincent O.
Now it’s your turn!
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Again, I hope you enjoyed this review and I’ll see you all at the top!
God bless,
Nathaniel Laurent
PS. All questions are welcomed, feel free to leave it in the comment area below… again God bless!

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