Welcome to my RegalCoin Review!
There are so many new MLM Companies that pop up almost daily! It can be hard trying to figure out which ones are legit and which ones aren’t.
Doing research can help!
It is always good to do research before joining any company. One of the ways you can do that is by reading reviews.
So, I’m glad you’re here!
My review is broken up into four different sections; the company, the products, and the compensation plan.
So, without further ado, let’s get to know RegalCoin!
What Is RegalCoin?
RegalCoin does not disclose their owners or management team. This is quite common for companies that mix cryptocurrencies with MLM business.
They started their operation in July 2017 and had a soft launch in August. Then again, they relaunched RegalCoin on the 21st of September 2017.
As of now, they are receiving web traffic from all over the world. Notably from the USA, India, Rusia, Vietnam, and the United Kingdom.
This is all about the company. Now, let’s check out their products.
The Products RegalCoin Offers
RegalCoin does not have any retail products or services for the affiliates to purchase or sell.
RegalCoin Affiliates can only market the affiliate membership.
However, they mention that they will give access of RegalCoin to their members (a bitcoin-like cryptocurrency) when it is available. But this is not yet tradable in the open market.
The RegalCoin Compensation Plan
To join their compensation plan, you must buy RegalCoin. As per their information, these are pre-mined coins.
You can earn up to 45% ROI every month when you return them to the company. However, all ROI is paid through RegalCoin. That means you must sell them to others to make real life money.
You can earn referral commissions on you sponsored members bitcoins transferred to RegalCoin company.
The company gives a referral commissions down 3 levels of sponsorship (unilevel):
- Level 1 (Personally sponsored affiliates) – 7%
- Level 2 – 2%
- Level 3 – 1%
They also have a binary residual commission. Here you will be put on top and your 2 personally sponsored members will be in Level 1. Then, level 1 members sponsored members will be in level 2. This way in every level you will have double the amount of members as the previous level. These positions can be filled both direct and indirect memberships. Also, there is no level cap on how deep you can go.
Now the bonus is paid on the matching investment in your both downlines.
- Generate $1000 in accumulated investment volume on both sides of the binary team and receive a 2% residual commission
- Generate $10,000 in accumulated investment volume on both sides of the binary team and receive a 3% residual commission
- Generate $100,000 in accumulated investment volume on both sides of the binary team and receive a 5% residual commission
My Final Thoughts About RegalCoin
Cryptocurrency is risky business in general. However, they also come with big rewards.
In the case of RegalCoin, I do not see anything positive. First, they are a complete anonymous company. Their flagship coin is not yet traded openly. This means you are at the mercy of their exchange rates. They can change it as per their business goals and you might be left in the water.
It is difficult for me to recommend something this new with so many red flags. However, you are your own decision maker.
I hope you enjoyed my RegalCoin review and learned a thing or two about the company and their business model.
My Personal Recommendation:
Now if you’re looking to earn a substantial income from home I strongly recommend establishing “multiple” streams of income. The following the link that I’ve posted here below reveals a proven system in which you’ll have someone who is already making six figures a year, guide you to six figures within the next 6 months by the hand… How cool is that, aye 😉
In fact, check out what some of the others saying:
Sarah G.
Daniel C.
Now it’s your turn!
Press play watch the video below and get started now.
>> Click Here For The Video <<
Again, I hope you enjoyed this RegalCoin review and I’ll see you all at the top!
God bless,
Nathaniel Laurent

Welcome! My name is Belli, co-author & contributor to NathanielLaurent.com! I’d like to thank you for stopping by 🙂 Be sure to take advantage of the free training available here …inside you’ll learn how to earn a steady income online with affiliate marketing. Enjoy and God bless!