Welcome to my Global Dynamic review!
There’s been a lot of talk about this new company on the MLM scene and I’m sure you’re here because you were doing your research on it.
Well good news! You’re in the right place.
I’ve done a lot of research to help you guys and prepared this Global Dynamic Review. I have divided this into company profile, products, compensation plan and finally my thoughts.
Let’s take a look at what I found!
What Is Global Dynamic?
Global Dynamic names Lucas Cobham as their CEO and owner. Apart from that, there is no other information about the management team. I also couldn’t find any additional information about him on the site or on the internet.
Their web domain was registered in May 2016 and set to expire in May 2017.
Global Dynamic is particularly popular in the European countries with Austria, Germany and Switzerland leading the pack. Apart from them Egypt and Srilanka also contribute to their web traffic.
That is all about the company. Let’s check out their products!
Products Offered By Global Dynamic
Global Dynamic does not offer any retail products. If you join them as an affiliate member, you can promote and sell their membership to others.
The Global Dynamic Compensation Plan
When you join Global Dynamic with $100 you will receive a guaranteed ROI of 30% for every 100 days. However, if you withdraw your investment before that time you will receive only 20% ROI.
When you personally recruit members to join Global Dynamic you are entitled to receive referral or recruitment commission.
- If you have recruited between one and four new affiliates, you will receive a 0.05% daily commission for 100 days (equivalent to 5% of the total amount that is invested)
- If you have recruited between five and nine new affiliates, you will receive a 0.1% daily commission for 100 days (equivalent to 10% of the total amount that is invested)
- If you have recruited between ten and nineteen new affiliates, you will receive a 0.2% daily commission for 100 days (equivalent to 20% of the total amount that is invested)
- If you have recruited twenty or more new affiliates, you will receive a 0.3% daily commission for 100 days (equivalent to 30% of the total amount that is invested)
All new members of Global Dynamic are put in a queue. Then, from the investments of the members down your queue, 8 pools are created with 35% of the total downline investments.
It is then distributed to the qualified members as shown below:
- Pool One (contains 5% of investments) – To qualify for this pool, affiliates must have invested at least $1000, and have recruited further affiliates who have invested a total of $1000 or more
- Pool Two (contains 5% of investments) – To qualify for this pool, affiliates must have invested at least $5000, and have recruited at least three further affiliates who have invested a total of $5000 or more
- Pool Three (contains 5% of investments) – To qualify for this pool, affiliates must have invested at least $10,000, and have recruited at least five further affiliates who have invested a total of $10,000 or more
- Pool Four (contains 5% of investments) – To qualify for this pool, affiliates must have invested at least $20,000, and have recruited at least ten further affiliates who have invested a total of $20,000 or more
- Pool Five (contains 5% of investments) – To qualify for this pool, affiliates must have invested at least $50,000, and have recruited at least fifteen further affiliates who have invested a total of $50,000 or more
- Pool Six (contains 5% of investments) – To qualify for this pool, affiliates must have invested at least $100,000, and have recruited at least twenty further affiliates who have invested a total of $100,000 or more
- Pool Seven (contains 2.5% of investments) – To qualify for this pool, affiliates must have invested at least $100,000, and have recruited at least one hundred further affiliates who have invested a total of $400,000 or more
- Pool Eight (contains 2.5% of investments) – To qualify for this pool, affiliates must have invested at least $200,000, and have recruited at least two hundred further affiliates who have invested a total of $800,000 or more
Apart from these they also offer executive bonuses and unilevel sales volume matching bonuses.
Final Thoughts On Global Dynamic
Global Dynamic promises a lot of ROI but fails to mention how exactly that will happen. They have mentioned that they are in cryptocurrency trading but that alone will not generate a steady profit to deliver on their promised ROI. This leaves the door open for a possible early exit for the company. I am just speculating here, though.
They may very well use the new member’s money to pay off existing users ROI. This will endanger the new users of losing all their money if the company decided to close. It would be very difficult to trace them and hold them accountable.
Overall, they failed to impress me with their schemes and business model. I personally would not invest my money with them. However, the choice is yours to make.
I hope you enjoyed my Global Dynamic review and learnt a lot about the company and what it has to offer.
My Personal Recommendation:
Now if you’re looking to earn a substantial income from home I strongly recommend establishing “multiple” streams of income. The following the link that I’ve posted here below reveals a proven system in which you’ll have someone who is already making six figures a year, guide you to six figures within the next 6 months by the hand… How cool is that, aye 😉
In fact, check out what some of the others saying:
Ryan F.
Vincent O.
Now it’s your turn!
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Again, I hope you enjoyed this Global Dynamic review and I’ll see you all at the top!
God bless,
Nathaniel Laurent
PS. All questions are welcomed, feel free to leave it in the comment area below… again God bless!

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