Welcome to my Edelweiss5 Review!
I’ve recently been hearing a lot about this new company Edelweiss5, so I decided to do some research to find out as much as I could about it.
If you want to make sure you’re joining the right company, a great way to do that is by learning as much as you can about it. Reading reviews is one way you can do this, so welcome to my Edelweiss5 review!
For your convenience, I have spent a lot of time researching and prepared this Edelweiss5 Review just for you. I have divided the information into company profile, products, compensation plan and finally my thoughts.
Now, let’s check out what I’ve found!
What Is Edelweiss5?
Like most of these online MLM companies, they do not share any information regarding the people behind the company. I find this disappointing as it raises questions about their legitimacy right away.
It does have a company registration document available on the site which says that the company was registered in Germany and Dietrich Hildebrand is their only director. However, no additional information could be found about him on social media or the internet.
As for the website, they make money by selling and maintaining renewable energy products like wind turbines.
The web domain was registered in April 2016 and set to expire in 2026. This is a positive sign!
They receive most of their web traffic from European countries such as Italy, Turkey, Germany and Czech Republic. Other than these I see notable web traffic coming from Japan.
That is all about the company. Now Let’s check out their products.
Products Edelweiss5 Offers
They do not have any physical or digital products for sale or rent. However, you can promote or sell their membership once you become an affiliate.
The Edelweiss5 Compensation Plan
You can join Edelweiss5 for $50 for a ROI of 0.5% to 3% daily for 365 days.
They have an investor partnership program for their members with the following benefits:
- 1-Level provides 5% of the deposit made by your referral the first level.
- 2-Level provides 2% of the deposit made by your referral the second level.
They also have a representative partner program for their affiliate members.
They have the following benefits:
- 1-Level provides 7% of the deposit made by your referral the first level;
- 2-Level provides 3% of the deposit made by your referral the second level;
To become a representative partner, you need to meet the following criteria:
- Personal active deposits of total sum of $1000;
- Knowledge of activities of the company;
- Ability to explain and teach new investors how to cooperate with the company and how to earn money in the company, if it’s needed.
Depending on your sponsored members and their sponsored members’ total investment figures, you can also earn bonus commissions from Edelweiss5. Though exact details are not available, you can receive up to a 2016 model Mercedes Benz sedan car if you meet the criteria set by them.
Final Thoughts About Edelweiss5
Edelweiss5 does not reveal the main persons behind it except the fact that it is a German registered company.
Hiding the owners of the company is a big red flag.
Furthermore, they say that they are investing in the renewable energy sector but no project details are provided. Therefore, it is not possible to verify if their claims are legit or not.
Any investment without products is risky it’s even more so with a company that doesn’t give much information about it’s owner. Therefore, I do not recommend investing in this company. They may very well take your money and run away with it.
If you decide to invest in them do so at your own risk.
I hope you enjoyed my Edelweiss5 review and learnt valuable information about the company.
My Personal Recommendation:
Now if you’re looking to earn a substantial income from home I strongly recommend establishing “multiple” streams of income. The following the link that I’ve posted here below reveals a proven system in which you’ll have someone who is already making six figures a year, guide you to six figures within the next 6 months by the hand… How cool is that, aye 😉
In fact, check out what some of the others saying:
Ryan F.
Vincent O.
Now it’s your turn!
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Again, I hope you enjoyed this review and I’ll see you all at the top!
God bless,
Nathaniel Laurent
PS. All questions are welcomed, feel free to leave it in the comment area below… again God bless!

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