Welcome to my EthTrade Review!
Whether you are brand new to the online business world or you are a pro with years of experience, joining a new company based on just hype is never a good idea.
So how can you make sure you are making the right choice when choosing a company to join?
Reading reviews is one of the best ways to learn everything you need to know about a company, so I’m glad you’re here!
My EthTrade review will cover the company, the products and the compensation plan.
So without further ado, let’s get to know Profit Glitch!
What Exactly Is EthTrade?
EthTrade does not list their direct owners. However, they mention a team of people who is running the company. Further research showed that most of the profiles are fake except for Louis Cloise Stocking. He seems to be the owner of this venture, though, it is not mentioned clearly. He has a past record with MLM businesses.
The web domain of the company was registered in February 2016 and will expire in 2026. This looks promising to me.
The company receives a lot of web traffic from China, USA, Russia, Japan and Pakistan.
That is all about their products.
Now let’s move to the next section which is products.
Products EthTrade Offers
EthTrade does not offer any physical or digital products or services.
If you join as an affiliate, you can only market and sell the affiliate membership.
The EthTrade Compensation Plan
To take part in the compensation plan you must invest anywhere between $10 and $30,000 in order to earn a monthly ROI of up to 25%.
If you withdraw money within 60 days of the initial investment you will be charged 15% to 30% fee on funds invested.
There is also weekly withdrawal limit based on your investment and affiliate rank.
This is shown below:
- Frontier (sign up as an EthTrade affiliate) – USD 500 investment, USD 300 withdrawal
- Homestead (invest at least USD 500 or generate at least USD 5000 in downline investment volume) – USD 1000 investment and USD 500 withdrawal
- Metropolis (invest at least USD 3000 or generate at least USD 30,000 in downline investment volume) – USD 3000 investment and USD 1000 withdrawal
- Serenity (invest at least USD 10,000 or generate at least USD 100,000 in downline investment volume) – USD 5000 investment and USD 2000 withdrawal
- Co-founder (invest at least USD 30,000 and or generate at least USD 500,000 in downline investment volume) – USD 7000 investment and USD 3000 withdrawal
- Co-founder+ (generate at least USD 1,000,000 in downline investment volume) – USD 10,000 investment and USD 5000 withdrawal
You are also entitled to receive referral commissions that can be earned on funds invested by sponsored affiliates, which are paid out through a unilevel compensation structure. You are entitled to receive commissions up to the level of your unilevel downline.
The amount of referral commission that is paid out depends on how much an EthTrade affiliate and their downline invests:
- Frontier – 3% on level 1 (personally sponsored affiliates), 2% on level 2 and 1% on level 3
- Homestead – 7% on level 1, 3% on level 2 and 1% on level 3
- Metropolis – 10% on level 1, 3% on level 2 and 1% on levels 3 to 5
- Serenity – 10% on level 1, 5% on level 2, 3% on levels 3 and 4 and 1% on level 5
- Co-founder and Co-founder+ – 12% on level 1, 5% on level 2 and 3% on levels 3 to 5
You can earn commissions on ROI payouts to your down line affiliates, which follows the same unilevel compensation structure as referral commissions.
- Frontier – 3% on level 1 and 1% on levels 2 and 3
- Homestead – 5% on level 1, 3% on level 2 and 1% on level 3
- Metropolis – 7% on level 1, 3% on levels 2 and 3 and 1% on levels 4 and 5
- Serenity – 10% on level 1, 5% on level 2 and 3% on levels 4 to 5
- Co-founder and Co-founder+ – 10% on level 1, 7% on level 2, 5% on level 3 and 3% on levels 4 and 5
On top of these, you can also earn a $3000 bonus if you are ranked at Co-founder+ for every $100,000 of downline investment volume your members generate.
Final Thoughts On EthTrade
For a moment, anyone can be drawn to the informative and well-designed website. EthTrade and Blockchain Global both have the same website design and content. This could either be a coincidence or someone reused old resources to create a new site.
Also, their main man Louis Cloise Stocking seems like a con man and has several reports online. He was also booked for petty crimes several times.
If you ask me, he is Not a person to be trusted with your money.
They also do not have any real products or assets to make money from. That essentially means, they will use the money from their new members to pay off their old members. You also have to keep in mind that they will impose heavy penalties if you withdraw money before 180 days.
Overall, they are not at all reliable source to invest in. However, it is entirely up to you if you wish to invest with them.
I hope you liked my EthTrade review and learnt valuable insights about the company.
My Personal Recommendation:
Now if you’re looking to earn a substantial income from home I strongly recommend establishing “multiple” streams of income. The following the link that I’ve posted here below reveals a proven system in which you’ll have someone who is already making six figures a year, guide you to six figures within the next 6 months by the hand… How cool is that, aye 😉
In fact, check out what some of the others saying:
Ryan F.
Vincent O.
Now it’s your turn!
Press play watch the video below and get started now.
>> Click Here To Watch The Video Now <<
Again, I hope you enjoyed this EthTrade review and I’ll see you all at the top!
God bless,
Nathaniel Laurent
PS. All questions are welcomed, feel free to leave it in the comment area below… again God bless!

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Ethtrade is fraud. Don’t invest. They changed the team and website. They are making new blunder again