A few days ago, I learned about this company known as Monat Global from one of my friends. There has been a lot of talk about this company, so I wanted to find out what exactly this company has to offer.
Joining a company without any proper information is not a wise decision.
Especially, when the company is new and expects investment from people.
Reading reviews of expert people can be the best way to joining a company.
To help you guys I have spent some time, gathered some valuable information and made a deep research on Monat Global so that you can take a proper decision.
My research review on Monat Global will cover the company, products, compensation plan and finally my verdict.
So, let’s check what I have found!
What Is Monat Global?
When you think about a company some question may easily rise in your mind like…
Who is the owner of the company?
When was it launched?
From which country this company is operated or based out of?
Monat Global is a personal care product company in the form of MLM.
The owner is the founder chairman of the company named Luis Urdaneta and his son Rayner Urdaneta is the CEO (chief executive officer).
According to their website they registered their domain on May 22, 2014 and the registration Expiration Date is on May 22, 2018.
Their website receives 82.5% of its visitor from USA (United States of America), 12.2% from Canada and 2.5%from UK (United Kingdom).
They are getting a huge response from the USA and this to me boldly indicates that the company is based out of America.
Another important thing is most of the visitors to this website are female.
The country rank of this website is 23,339.
The global rank of this website is 103,100.
Products Offered By Monat Global
Monat Global has a different kind of hair products to solve multiple hair problems. The products are the following:
• Rejuvenique Oil Intensive
• Rejuvabeads
• Hydration System
• Renew Shampoo
• Restore leave-in Conditioner
• Replenish Masque
According to their statement, all the products are naturally based, and they use safe, sustainable and pure components to make them user-friendly.
You can also see their products and price by going to their website.
Monat Global review- Compensation Plan
All MLM companies have a compensation plan for their members so that members can get a clear idea about company’s profit-sharing systems. Monat Global also has the same kind of compensation plans and the plans are following…
1) Monat Global Ranks:
They provide different ranks in this company…
The ranks are…
• Marketing Partner-
• Managing Marketing Partner
• Associate Market Builder
• Market Builder
• Managing Market Builder
• Associate Market Mentor
• Market Mentor
• Managing Market Mentor
• Associate Executive Director
• Executive Director
• Senior Executive Director
2) Retail Commission Payout
By selling retail products Monat Global earn 30% commissions
You can also get up to 40% commission by maintaining those conditions…
• If you can Generate 1000 PV a month = 33% retail commission rate
• If you can Generate 2000 PV a month = 35% retail commission rate
• If you can Generate 3500 PV a month = 40% retail commission rate
3) Direct Recruitment Commissions
By sponsoring someone to buy a product pack, you can get the commissions like ….
• If you Sponsor a Business Product Pack member and earn a $100 commission
• If you Sponsor a Success Product Pack member and earn a $120 commission
• If you Sponsor an Overachiever Product Pack member and earn a $220 commission
4) Residual Commissions
A Monat Global member also gets commission in a unilevel system which is:
• A Partner can earn 7% on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)
• A Managing Market Partners earn 10% on level 1 and 3% on level 2
• An Associate Market Builders earn 12% on level 1 and 5% on level 2
• A Market Builders earn 12% on level 1, 6% on level 2 and 3% on level 3
• A Managing Market Builders earn 12% on level 1, 7% on level 2 5% on level 3 and 3% on level 4
5) Generation Bonus
Monat also provide generation bonus which is.
• An Associate Market Mentors earn 4% on one generation
• A Market Mentors earn 4% on the first generation and 3% on the second
• A Managing Market Mentor affiliates earn 4% on the first and second generations and 3% on the third
• An Associate Executive Directors earn 4% on the first to third generations and 3% on the fourth
• An Executive Directors earn 4% on the first to fourth generations and 3% on the fifth
• A Senior Executive Directors earn 4% on all five available generations
There is also some other kind of bonus, those are:
• VIP Customer Acquisition Bonus
• Smart Start Bonuses
• Smart Start Bonus Match
• Rank Achievement Bonus
Monat Global joining fee
If you want to join Monat global you need to pay $99 for joining fee. After that payment, you will be welcomed on board.
My Final Thoughts On Monat Global
When it comes to my verdict I want to give my readers the truth because when someone spends some time they need to get value.
Nowadays a lot of MLM companies are popping up almost every day without products which is a very strong way to know when an MLM company is a scam.
However, Monat Global has retail products to sell and they have been selling them since 2014.
So, I have concluded that it is a legit business in the MLM sector.
I have given all the important information in my Monat Global review so that you guys can take an informed decision.
But the final decision is yours!
I hope you enjoyed my review and learned valuable information about the company and what they have to offer.
My Personal Recommendation:
Now if you’re looking to earn a substantial income from home I strongly recommend establishing “multiple” streams of income. The following the link that I’ve posted here below reveals a proven system in which you’ll have my partner Merlin Holmes (who has already achieved 9 figures online), guide you by the hand to a healthy six figure income… How cool is that, aye 😉
The $1K A Day Fast Track

What Is The $1K A Day Fast Track?
The $1K A Day Fast Track program was created by Merlin Holmes who has over 15 years of experience as an internet marketer.
- He has been an internet business owner for 14 years
- His business has generated over 150 Million over those 14 years
- Merlin has worked in dozens of different markets
- Billion-dollar companies have hired Merlin to consult for them
In the program, Merlin teaches students (include non-experienced beginners) how to build massive email lists. He teaches how to build these email lists in a unique way using simple poll pages.
Once students have created these polls and drive traffic to them using 2nd tier traffic sources, they can build large email lists and monetize them by promoting affiliate products.
Many of Merlin’s students have began earning an income online in some cases in as little as 72 hours after launching their very first campaigns ….which is what keeps the refund rates on the program so low ( as in under 10% ).
The training program is a beginner-friendly 6-week course and Merlin also has a support system built that helps to ensure customers to have what they need in an effort to keep as many people succeed as possible.
Here’s a screenshot of Merlin’s stats
In fact, take a look at what others are saying:
Steve D.
Now it’s your turn!
Press play to watch the webinar and to get started.
>> Register To Watch The Webinar Here <<
Again, I hope you enjoyed this Monat Global review and I’ll see you all at the top!
God bless,
Nathaniel Laurent

Welcome! My name is Belli, co-author & contributor to NathanielLaurent.com! I’d like to thank you for stopping by 🙂 Be sure to take advantage of the free training available here …inside you’ll learn how to earn a steady income online with affiliate marketing. Enjoy and God bless!