Welcome! If you landed here today chances are you doing your due diligence and research on a fairly new program called Digital Altitude. Maybe you stumbled across the ASPIRE Digital business program while browsing online, and are wondering if this company is a scam or not.
Well, you are in the right place at the right time and here’s why. Today I’m going to be giving you the detailed inside scoop on the ASPIRE digital altitude business system here in this review.
Also be sure to stick with me here through the end, as I will be revealing to you a little known secret that only the top 1% in the online marketing industry understand which could help you boost your profits online. Now if you haven’t made any money online before and you’re reading this, “still” stick through till the end too because what I’m going to be explaining here can help you to earn your first few commissions online.
Now with that being said let’s begin… shall we? 🙂
So What Is Digital Altitude?
Digital Altitude is what I call a “low ticket, mid-ticket, and high ticket” online business system. I say this because there are multiple levels with this program, and you have options on which levels to join in… low, mid or high. Digital Altitude is also designed to help people from all walks of life to succeed (whether one has business experience… or not), and create financial success online. This program is founded by Michael Force who is a very successful business professional and a former U.S Marine. Michael also built his first multi-million-dollar business by the age of 27, so needless to say “or” to just put this in plain words…
“The man knows his stuff when it comes to designing an effective and successful business opportunity.” 😉
Products Offered By Digital Altitude
Currently there are 6 main products offered by digital altitude and there may be more upcoming ahead in the near future.
Those six main products are as follows;
ASPIRE – The digital business sales system. Includes:
- 60+ Hours Of Digital Business Video Trainings
- Private Digital Client For Life Coaches
- 7-Figure Sales Funnels & Websites
- Follow Up Sequences & Sales Automation
- High Commission Back End Products
- Done-For-You Branding Solutions
- Traffic & Social Media Solutions
- Latest Tools & Resources
- Merchant & Payroll Services
- Support, Forums & Live Chat
- Community & Leadership
- Networking, Live Events & Coaching
ASPIRE WALKER: $37 Per Month…
ASPIRE HIKER: $ 67 Per Month…
ASPIRE CLIMBER: $127 Per Month…
Also with the ASPIRE Digital Altitude business system you are given three membership options to choose from, which is Walker, Hiker and Climber. Depending on which one you choose it can greatly impact the amount of commissions you earn. Meaning… whether or not you earn up to 40% or up to 60% in commissions or the tiered payouts received etc. This earnings principal is also applied to your potential earnings on rest the levels offered by Digital Altitude.
BASE – The digital business mastery course.
This product is 12 modules broken up into three sections;
These sections are…
Section 1: Teaches you the secrets of setting the right foundations during the startup phase of your business. There are 4 modules to this training.
Section 2: Explains how to “launch” your business the right way the first three months while being in business. learning how to launch a business as opposed to just starting a business can shift the kind of results you have during your online business career. There are 4 modules to this training as well.
Section 3: Once your business is up and running, this part of the training teaches you how to grow your business effectively. There are also another 4 modules to this training.
Cost: $597 One-Time
Note: Walker, Hiker and Climber membership principle are applied and can reflect on earnings. Meaning depending on which membership you choose it can determine whether or not you receive up to 40% on your commissions or up to 60% on your commissions etc.
RISE – Which is the second digital business mastery course.
This product has 19 modules that are broken up into 5 sections which are as follows:
Section 1: Teaches you the importance about committing to succeeding in your business. This is geared towards the number one factor that’ll determine whether you succeed or fail in your business which is… mindset. There are 4 modules to this training.
Section 2: Understanding the mind of your customer. This will teach you how to trigger your customers to buy from you and how to attract the perfect customer to your offers. There are 4 modules to this training.
Section 3: How to create… Learning how to have great copywriting skills will give you an edge over all your competitors online and will teach you how to create content that will have your prospects desiring to buy your products. There are 4 modules to this training.
Section 4: How to leverage effective words in your writing. Reveals the secret to profit pulling words for your ideal customers. there are 4 modules to this training.
Section 5: Getting new partners… You’ll learn how to partner up with other top marketers in the industry and how to leverage joint ventures and other people’s lists to become an authority online. There are 3 modules to this training.
Cost: $1997 One-Time
Note: Walker, Hiker and Climber membership principle are applied and can reflect on earnings. Meaning depending on which membership you choose it can determine whether or not you receive up to 40% on your commissions or up to 60% on your commissions etc.
ASECEND – The digital business profit workshop.
In order to get the VERY best results in any home-based business you’d have to go in deep into the minds of several top marketing experts to find out what they’re doing to get their results. This is where ASCEND comes in, giving you a digital 3 day workshop with several of the industries top entrepreneurs.
This 3 day digital workshop includes:
- Top 5 Most Profitable Traffic Sources
- 6 Strategies To Scale Traffic
- 7-Figure Conversion Hacks
- 3 Powerful Funnel Formulas
- The Power Of A Personal Brand
- How To Tell Your Story
- Finding The Guru In You
- How To Master Video
- Increase Conversions With Analytics
- How To Create Amazing Content
- How To Work Smarter With Outsourcing
- How To Build A Team
One Time Cost: $9997
PEAK – The digital business prosperity retreat.
Peak is a 5 day all inclusive retreat for two. This retreat brings you the world’s top “thought of” leaders in… business success, management, and leadership. This will allow you the amazing experience in person,
and much much more…
One Time Cost: $16,997
APEX – The digital business legacy experience.
Apex is a seven day all inclusive retreat for two in which you will learn how to build and preserve wealth to ensure your financial success long-term,
and much much more…
One Time Cost: $27,997
So as you can see when it comes to the products offered by Digital Altitude, they are very comprehensive. These product contain very crucial information one must learn and master in order to stay in business for the long haul. So in a nutshell, I personally give the ASPIRE Digital Altitude product line 2 thumbs up and on a scale of 1 to 5….
Drumroll please… 5! 🙂
Do I Have To Spend $$ To Make Money With Digital Altitude?
Now if you are a business owner and you just read that question, you may be chuckling and saying to yourself “Nathaniel, you silly goose… what kind of question is that? OF COURSE you have to spend money!” lol.
And that’s actually right, the simple answer to that question is YES. Any company promising millions without spending a dime is a scam.
However, Digital Altitude is a real business NOT a get rich quick scheme.
I personally want you to clearly understand this truth about Digital Altitude and what it actually takes to make the kind of money several others are making with the system. You may have wondered, “is the money real?” The answer is, “yes” the money is VERY real.
In fact, here’s a key tip that I understood very quickly while researching Digital Altitude and you’ll need you to understand too if you are choosing to join in on Digital Altitude.
It’s a fairly simple concept… “It costs money to make money. This truth is, that really a standard business principal. If you think about it several people go to college which also costs money, just getting to work is most cases cost money never mind mentioning gas, food, clothes etc…
Anybody who gets upset when they have to put money into a business in order to generate money may be misunderstanding the basics in business fundamentals “honestly and respectfully speaking”.
There’s a lot of programs out there that anyone can just join out there for free, and maybe you can make a little bit of cash here and there, but there is no real money to pay out big money in those programs to it’s people who are, supporting their marketing and distributing their product.
Now on the other side of things, if there is a big money to be made then there must be big money coming into that program so this way people are able to generate those commissions of $1K, $6K, $10K, $16K etc. So I personally am NOT surprised at all by the price tags to be a part of something like the ASPIRE Digital Altitude business system.
Truth is in order to win online one will have to get over the “price tag shock” of real online business programs (that is if you really want to attain the level of commissions you’re attracted to). When somebody says, “Hey it costs $2000 to start earning commissions of $1,200.00 over and over again (potentially on a daily basis)” please don’t be surprised that the price tag is $2K.
Rather, here’s the right perspective… you’ve paid $2K and now you’re in position to generate $500, $1200 etc… over and over again which is a great deal. And that’s the beauty of the ASPIRE Digital Altitude business program.
“OK! I get it Nathaniel… Should I Join Digital Altitude?”
UPDATE (As of Feb 2018): Digital Altitude is under FTC investigation and I recommend NOT getting involved with DA as of now:
YES! Now in regards to the levels mentioned above I recommend getting started at the level where you’re most financially comfortable at. The more you invest the better opportunity you’ll have in order to earn more.
Also another crucial factor that may determine your success in Digital Altitude is…
Who you join in through. OUCH!
I can’t express enough how important this part is because having the right guidance will effect how fast you move through your learning curve.
As for myself, I personally am here to help my team to be successful and to duplicate what I do as long as you are willing to commit to succeeding online. So if you’re looking to join Digital Altitude please consider the fact that you will want to join in with someone who’s going to be straightforward with you. Somebody that is going to teach you exactly what you need to do to start generating those commissions day in and day out… so that you can get your return on investment ASAP.
Now the scary fact and a solution!
Here’s the scary fact that most online marketers don’t know…
That fact is…
97% of marketers are struggling or failing in their businesses because of:
1. “lack of lead flow” and,
2. because they don’t have a “self funded proposal”
Not knowing how to generate “fresh targeted buyer leads” on a daily basis and not having a self funded proposal (as in, a top tier program to fund your business so advertising costs are NOT becoming out of pocket expenses) is actually fatal to your business.
Now if you have been struggling to make a profit in your business, there is solution which can take your income and profits to new heights this year in 2018.
It’s a proven online marketing platform created by 6 & 7 figure earners to boost your ROI!
Click On Play Button Below For Video and PROVENSystem!
What you will learn on the inside will take your Digital Altitude profits to another level if you apply the techniques you learn. By leveraging this platform, you won’t ever have to struggle with how to find and generate targeted buyer leads again.
So in closing, “are the top 1% in Digital Altitude keeping secrets from you?” In my personal opinion “NO”! However I am very sure that the newer way of building a business (by leveraging social media the RIGHT way) is a much more effective and faster way of succeeding.
To your success and God bless,
Nathaniel Laurent
PS. Comments and questions are welcomed below
PSS. Here’s some POOF below of the leads flow I’m getting! Watch the video above and get in TODAY…
>> Go Here Now To Learn How <<
PS. Your feedback is welcomed, feel free to leave questions and comments below. God bless!

Hey there. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Thanks to blogging, I am able to earn a consistent monthly income online. Follow the same training I used to learn how to earn income with blogs and affiliate marketing. Click here to get started for free!
I am of course plane scared of signing up for this. I know that it is going to take more than a dollar and the prices that I see here are above my bank account. I have been looking into other online opportunities like WA and I am still scared. I am a nurse of 20 years and now I cant work because I have to take care of my father. I need to generate a income to pay my bills and take care of him. Please reassure me that I can be successful. I am a hard worker and think I am bright enough to f=do this but are you the right guys to teach me? Also can this be done with a gmail address i nstead of an email?
Hi Paula, hope all is well. I personally understand how you feel about being scared to get started but I think the greater question to think about is this, “Are you happy in your current financial situation?” If not, then “What will happen if you don’t take action now and pursue a financial change?” If you don’t try something different then you’ll only wake up tomorrow in the same place. The ASPIRE business system does work, but it will honestly take work to succeed but when everything is up and running then you’ll have more time to relax and spend with your loved ones. Also keep in mind that when you get started you’ll have a coach… and too if your joining through me, I’ll also be here to help you out. Hope this helps and I’m looking forward to your success 🙂 God bless!
Hi Nathaniel!
My question is, will I get commissions for levels that I didn’t actually purchase, just skipped over (bought a level above them) and recieved them like this? Or I get commissions only for levels that I actually purchased. For example, if I buy Ascend, will I get commissions if my refferrals buy a level of Aspire or Base or Rise, or I’ll only get commission if they buy Ascend?
Thank you for your answer,
Hi Walter, hope all is well with you. With DA you will not earn commissions on levels that you don’t purchase, you have to buy into the level you would like to earn at. Also yes if you are not positioned into BASE, RISE, ASCEND etc… those commissions will roll up to the qualifying person above you. This is why it’s so important to get positioned at a level that is most profitable for you (it’s well worth the investment). ASCEND is a great place to start because it’s very profitable. But if you are able to get fully positioned then I would say go for it because you’ll get optimal results. If you buy ASCEND… yes you will also get commissions on BASE and RISE too. Now with ASPIRE, you will earn on the level that you are at (whether walker, hiker or climber) but if you are going to come in at the ASCEND level the you’re better off being at climber within ASPIRE. Nice to connect with you and hope your questions are answered. God bless! 🙂
Hello Nathaniel!
Interesting… is it only $37/month? Or is there additional cost?? Because someone told me there are $15 +$37 / month. Is that true??
I really want to join in. But don’t know how.
I’m not rich. So I need to get more income.
And I can’t speak English well
Hi Dea, the ASPIRE Walker membership is only $37 a month. Also, I can help you get started if you would like… Who you join with will be crucial to your success so it’s important to have the right sponsor. To get started with me use this link here -> http://bit.ly/2e2MvxZ
Once you are in let me know so I can get you into our mastermind Facebook group. You’ll get a lot of tips and pointers in there. God bless! 🙂
Hi Sir Nathaniel!
I would like to know if after paying as walker or hiker as the case maybe, when will i start the business and earn even little by little as I will go thru the upward ladder? I have to provide maintenance medicine for my brother who is a strike victim and wanted very much to increase my earnings. Yesterday I went thru Step 1 and for now I am undecided and wanted to learn more yet. I am Mrs Jocelyn Pastera from Palawan, Philippines. And I am very new to using the computer too, I am a little bit confused.
Hi Jocelyn, hope all is well with you. With DA you’ll be able to start earning money one you’ve completed all of the steps with your coach. Your coach is there to help you set up and prepare the right way so you can get into profit. I would recommend writing down your goal (the kind of income you would like to make per month or yearly), then let your coach know. Your coach will explain which level is best for you to achieve your person income goal, then he will give you the precise recommendations within DA to make your goal a reality. At that point it’s crucial to follow his guidance and if you do you should do well. Wishing you the best and much continued success. God bless! 🙂
What is involved in this Digital Altitude?
What products are you trading in?
How does one recruit others into the Digital Altitude platform and how much commission can one earn on recruiting?
Hi George, hope all is well with you. The answers to each question you asked are answered in the post(review) I’ve written above. Hope this helps… God bless!
Is Digital Altitude available in Uganda?How can i pay if i want to join here in Uganda?
Hi George, yes… digital altitude is available in Uganda. In fact, this system will work for anyone in any country. Also you can use a credit card/debit card etc… I personally used my debit card when I first got started. To get started with me use this link here -> http://bit.ly/2e2MvxZ again, God bless! 🙂
hi Nathaniel,
i have already opened an account with Aspire but i haven’t yet contacted any coach. Is it possible to still start up with you?
i do not have any job at the moment and this is all i depend on right now.
Hi Milan, hope all is well with you. I would love to have you on my team but you are already in the system 🙂 I would say the best thing to do now is to contact your coach. Tell him (or her) your strengths, weaknesses and what they would suggest your next step be in order to succeed. It’s tough when financial hardship is in the way. However I believe with, “faith” there is power to move mountains. You have the potential to be an amazing success story… I believe you can make it, and have change in your current financial situation. So take the next step and check in with your coach. Hope this helps… God bless! 🙂
Thanks for taking the time to write this article.
I want to find out how much money and time realistically need to be invested before you can make any money
Hey Boo, hope all is well with you… With DA the choice on how much income you generate is yours. There are different levels you can join in at, so basically choose the level that is most comfortable with you to start at. Then commit to completing your steps with your coach and you will get results. I recommend getting started, contacting your coach, and then let him or her know what your income goals are and they will be able to guide you in the best direction to achieve those goals. Results may vary for different people depending on how their personal work ethics. Hope this helps and God bless! 🙂
Do you have to pay the one time fee before making money? Paying a large fee (for me) is scary.
Hi Brenda, happy New Year and hope all is well with you 🙂 The answer to your question is, “yes”… you will have to invest to make money. However, there are flexible options available to you when it down to investing. Based on what financial goals you are wanting to achieve you will be able to choose what investment level will work best for you. This principle cannot be avoided in any real business in general. For example… if you decide to go to college, it will cost you a large amount of money before you make money. However whether you win or not with school will depend on if you commit to doing your work in school. Well with DA you have a system that works for sure but you will have to decide on whether you are willing to commit to completing each step. If you are willing to make sure you follow, complete each step, and stick with your commitment then you don’t have to worry about investing because your end result will be success 🙂 Also, you’ll have all the help you need to win (a personal coach, mentor and myself too if you join through me 😉 ). Hope this helped and God bless!
Hi. i am looking into purchasing the DA system but had a couple of questions. If i start off with my one dollar will i be merely learning or earning? Also once i begin to earn can i change from walker to higher levels?
Hi Jeannette, with the $1 dollar trial you will be learning. If you click to take the $1 trial now, you will notice that the one dollar crossed out… meaning now DA had made it a free trial. The $1 trial was mainly set in place to sift between the non-serious people from those who are really serious about building a real six figure business and to allow everyone to get the coaching they need in order to succeed. My recommendation to you is, to take the free trial and at the same time don’t treat it like a free trial… instead, take it serious and complete each step. If you are on my team I’ll also be here to help. Hope this answers your question and I wish you much continued success. God bless! 🙂
Hi, so if I join your “team” you will help me achive my goal (which is right now 3000) in 2 weeks, I am interested in the system, but I what I see is that if I make money you make money correct? So it is in your best interest that the more people you have on your team the more money you make. I do not have a website yet, I am going to start a blog about making money on the internet, but until I make some I cannot work on the blog. I have already invested money in other systems that do not deliver. I am looking for something that will deliver and fast, and I am sure you will just tell me to sign up under you and you will “coach” me and stuff, but I am in desparete need of cash fast, I will sign up for the free deal but if I am not making money in four days, I will have to find something else fast. email me and then I will get back to you with my phone number and we can conect that way.
Hi Jo, hope you are doing well. With this system you have coaches that guide you by the hand to ensure your success and “yes” I do help those who are on my personal team also. However, I would also recommend giving yourself more realistic time to go through the learning curve… maybe around 30 to 60 days realistically speaking because (even though this system works well and produces “great” results) it’s a real business and you have to carefully go through each step. I personally would not recommend rushing though the steps. Also, it may sound bizarre to you but I actually don’t tell people to join me under just “any” circumstances. If you are desperate for cash I would not recommend getting started now but rather I recommend sorting out your money issues first. Then “after” getting out of a desperate situation, then I would say get started because you will need to invest to get the best results, and investing under pressure can hurt your focus and increase your stress (which I highly don’t recommend). However if you have a job and some money to spend, but you are looking to replace that income and be rescued from the 9 to 5 🙂 so you can have the freedom of time etc… then this will work for you. Hope this helps, best wishes and God bless! 🙂
Do you have a way to stay connected? I am not in position right now to act, but I like how you are answering the above questions and am interested.
Hi Pauline, thank you and sure thing… we can connect on my Facebook here -> https://www.facebook.com/nate.laurent.7
God bless! 🙂
Hey Nathaniel is this program more about building your own brand and profitable business? Or more about promoting DA to earn a certain commission ?
Hi Tosin, I would say that this system is about both (branding and promoting the business side). I say this because the courses provided within DA teach you how to build and establishing your personal brand online. Also, with the info you are able to learn from the traffic coaches provided to you within DA… can help you to get the exposure you need for your personal brand. However in addition to everything you get. DA also provides the business side as well, so that way you can have a major source of income while simultaneously building your brand and online presence. So in overall I would say that with DA “you get the best of both worlds” it’s a win win situation 🙂 Hope this helps and God bless! 🙂
You mentioned earning 40% or 60% commissions. What’s the difference between the two?
Hi Adrianne, hope all is well with you. It’s actually a pretty big difference in your earning potential because depending on what membership level you choose… you’ll be able to earn larger upfront commissions as well as tiered commissions(for example when your direct referral makes sales). With ASPIRE you’ll earn 40% commissions on your direct referral upgrades only. However if you are CLIMBER you get 60% commissions on your direct referral upgrades plus you get commissions when your direct referrals makes sales 3 tiers down. CLIMBER gives you serious serious leverage, and adds more momentum to your earning potential 🙂 Hope this helped and wishing you much continued success. God bless! 🙂
Does Base, Rise, Ascend, and Peak fall under the Climber membership? If so, will the commission on these sales also be 60% or will I split the commissions with the closer?
Hi Adrianne, Yes… if you have purchased Base, Rise, Ascend, or Peak and choose the Climber monthly membership level then you will receive 60% on each level you are invested into. Your commissions are split between… you, your sponsor, the coach and company. The total payout on each level will be 60%. Hope this helps 😉
A couple more questions:
1. Is an autoresponder included or will I need to subscribe to one?
2. Do the coaches make sales calls for you at all levels of DA starting with Walker?
3. Are there lead packages or solo ads to purchase in the back office?
Hi Adrianne, yes the system includes a built in autoresponder system for everyone who doesn’t currently have their own. Also, yes the coaches will call and close your sales for you at all levels within the system 🙂 Lastly, yes there are solo ad sources and training included within the startup to boost traffic and get you some sign up’s. With solo ads you have know who to get them from in order to get the best results (so solo ads can be pricey if not done correctly). However if you are investing into ASPIRE through my link then we can chat over the phone and I’ll fill you in on where to get some of the best traffic for higher conversation and sales rates 😉 I’m here to help. God bless
PS. I also sent you a friend request on Facebook so we can stay connected 😉
Hi, im Mourine and from kenya, im very ready and willing to join DA. My biggest worry is, what if i dont get direct referrals to sign up under me coz kenyans are a bit skeptical about mlm, how will you help me to get them if i sign up under you. I want to join with the lowest amount and upgrade with time. Kindly help.
Hi Mourine, hope all is well with you. I personally wouldn’t not recommend starting at the lowest level… I personally think when starting a business it’s best to think as big as is in your possiblity”… Why? Because in your heart you want big results that will change your financial future for the better in a big way. When I first started with DA I came in at a fairly low level and as a result it cost me almost $20,000… I put both my hands on my head and said “ouch”. This happened to me because I didn’t invest at first into the higher levels, (I was thinking small) so those commissions were passed up to my sponsor. So here’s what I did…. “I upgraded almost right away!” 🙂 That was a tough lesson to learn. So the truth is, starting at the lowest level can end up costing you more then you realize 🙂 However if you are determined to start off as small as you can, then best way for me to help you is to give you this advice… The system and tools are in place, commit to completing all the steps with your coach and follow each step precisely and you should do well. However if you are investing into ASCEND and above then let me know and I will work with you 1 on 1 to help with some shortcuts 😉 If you are wondering why I do this for ASCEND members and above… here’s the answer. Most people who invest big tend to take their business a lot more serious and are more committed to winning in their business because they are more invested into the business. I hope this helps and wishing you much continued success. God bless 🙂
Hello Nathaniel,
My name is Tshepo from Botswana. I joined DA in November 2016. I didn’t join under anyone as i came across this system while searching the internet. There was that $1 trial and fell sick afterwards and therefore couldn’t manage to start right away. I am now much better and would like to start/continue. I contacted my start-up coach this week and just told me to pay the $1995 for the Rise level. What confuses me is that we have not gone through the steps and he is not giving me much details except to say that i should pay the said amount. Kindly advice me on what to do.
Hi Tshepo, hope all is well with you… When joining DA it’s not possible to join without having a sponsor. You can see who your sponsor is by logging into your DA back office and going to the “my sponsor” tab. Also about the situation with your coach, I would recommend logging into your members area and then proceed to go through each step thoroughly. Take lots of notes on the training and write down your questions… after understanding each step then “upgrade to RISE” just as your coach has recommended you to do. The advice given you by your coach is for your best financial interest. Follow your coaches advise and “completing” each step is crucial to your results with this system. Wishing you much continued success and God bless! 🙂
I found about 10 high detailed negative reviews abous this program. Very shady and very expensive. They even charge to be an affiliate. That seems strange…charging someone to sell your products??? I wouldn’t go near this even if I had that kind of money to throw away.
Hey drew, thanks for sharing your thoughts. This company is not shady at all, also it’s very sad to see how many people today are financially crushed because of “a poverty mindset”. If you think this is expensive, then you would never ever try to buy a franchise (like McDonald) which in return would make you thousands per month… Why? My guess is, because it’s not “cheap” to buy one 🙂 However on they other hand this is why your local McDonalds owner is makes so much more than the average person and why his bank account doesn’t look “cheap”, he understands the principle of investing and making a return.
Also You said, “charging someone to sell your products”… Well my friend you’d pay for college to try and get a better job and build someones else dream maybe selling that companies products from a corporate office… really no difference, (except your at your bosses mercy of getting fired at any time, may have to beg for a raise and you’ll never make more than him).
You said you found 10 negative reviews… ok, but what about the 100’s of positive ones including video proof? So just ignore the 100’s of positive ones and believe the 10 negative people?
I can find 10 negative reviews about your local Wal-Mart… So now will you stop buying from there even though they sell the several solutions you need for you home? You have to be your own man my friend to make your decisions.
I personally challenge you to think further than you are thinking now (respectfully speaking).
Now here’s the big question I’d like for you to answer…
Since saying “no” to this opportunity… what has changed in your finances?
For myself on the other hand I’ve made thousands since I said “yes” 🙂
Think bigger my friend respectfully speaking 🙂 God bless!
This was a great response. Thanks for your insight! Looking for an uplink with integrity you may be it? Is this a test? Perhaps:)
You’re welcome Shawn! 😉 I’m here to help…
Ive really gotten confused after reading the comments. So is this a MLM program for affiliate marketing content. Ive been trying for yrs to get into affiliate marketing and the last couple weeks been reading and trying to implement tools but Im just STUCK. My bank account is actually zero but see there’s a $1 trial offer and I need take advantage and make money before I have to pay. Can you help with that?
Hi Debra, DA is not an MLM… It’s an online business system 😉 It would be considered affiliate marketing for sure. Hope this clears things up for you 🙂 God bless!
I have 3,000 to spend is that good enough to start doing good
Hi Caleb, yes $3,000 will work for sure and is a great start 😉